Before you even have the massage, surely part of the service you experience is that of booking your treatment. Is it an online booking system which has live availability? Is it a telephone number to call which is manned 24/7 or just at specific times? Some people will prefer the ease of booking online, but many will equally prefer to call and speak to someone directly. The benefit of being able to talk to someone is that you can ask questions about the massage treatment, get some guidance about what treatment is best for you, and you can also make any specific requests. Whatever the method of booking, the ease of making the appointment is the starting point of what defines good service.
Now that your massage is booked and you have arrived at the treatment center, what constitutes good service? Part of the treatment should always include a consultation so that the massage therapist can establish why you are there, what your needs are, and most importantly they should be able to talk you through your chosen treatment options. You may require a number of treatments and this is something that should be addressed at the first session so that you know what to expect, for example in terms of recovery time in cases of injury.
After that is all done, it’s time for the all important massage. The ‘best massage’ is a combination of how appropriately the therapist applies the pressure and chosen technique, as well as their communication with you during the treatment. Do they ascertain whether or not the massage is too soft or hard for you? Are you comfortable with the therapist? Another factor is whether the therapist can identify your ‘problem areas’ and focus the treatment accordingly.
Another part of what can enhance the actual massage experience is the ambience. It is all well and good to have a good masseuse, but is the treatment bed comfortable? Is there appropriate soothing music playing in the background? It is known that the music can add to relaxation and therefore enjoyment of the treatment. Of course, different people will have different preferences with regards to what music is played and it is therefore best to stick to neutral soothing instrumental tunes.
The last part of the massage experience is the care you receive once the massage is over. A good therapist will give aftercare advice, in terms of perhaps stretches you should do or things you should avoid like a shower immediately after to allow any oils that have been used during the treatment to continue being absorbed. There are therapists that will of course try to sell their products to you and it is important that you are not being forced to purchase products that will give no significant benefit to your condition.
Hopefully the above advice on what makes the best massage contains useful information that will help you when you choose your therapist. Remember, there is nothing wrong with asking questions about their qualifications and credentials or about the various massages on offer. You are the customer and you have the right to the best treatment and to ask as many questions as you need to!